I am one of those " can't lose weight" people.

No matter what. I am not an overeater. I don't spend my days slurping big gulps and eating large pizza's at 10pm. I am not perfect, but I log what I eat in MyFitness and I stay within the limits of what a person 50 pounds lighter then me should eat.

When I was younger, I had a brief bit of success when I basically worked out 6 days a week, 3 hours a day and got into great shape. But even then I had a roll of fat around my waist that I couldn't get rid of. I could bench over 400 pounds, stay on the stair climber until the cows came home, eat 1,500 calories a day, but couldn't lose it.

Then, eventually, I got married and had kids and it wasn't possible to work out that much. So it came back on. Luckily, thanks to weight lifting, I now have a frame that "handles" the weight, ie I look more like an NFL lineman than Louie Anderson did) but I would like to lose 50 pounds.

And try as I might, I cannot. I will lose weight for 3 weeks and think that things are going good, then it stops. No matter how few calories I eat, how much more exercise, Keto, Low Carb, No sugar, eating whatever at a set calorie limit, etc.

It stops.

I have considered surgery, but again, surgery is designed to limit caloric intake...and my body has proven that it wants to stay at a set weight no matter what I reduce the caloric intake by. So I am not going to risk having 7/8ths of my stomach taken out..and lose nothing.

I have tried to get on Wegovy, I lost 15 pounds on the lower doses, but it is impossible to get and havent been able to get past the 1.0 dose. (which I get Ozempic, not Wegovy for).

If this drug comes out and it is available, damn straight I will give it a try. What else do I have to lose? Other than weight? And some money.

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Oh, and I should have added, most of the weight loss came around the waist!! Where it was wanted. (and and in my previous post "do dairy" should be no dairy.

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what about the paleo diet. I was about 2-3 kilos overweight, stubbornly so, mostly around the waist. Tried the paleo diet (do dairy, no starch) and it was remarkable - never felt hungry - and dropped 2 kilos in one month and it stayed off. In fact, I had to modify the paleo abit to avoid dropping further.

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