If you hear hoofbeats, expect horses. What we have is a whole herd of myocarditis thanks to the mRNA shots being mandated. It's appropriate to have this now-common condition at the top of the differential.

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Commotio Cordis (CC) is a diagnosis of exclusion. Before making the diagnosis all other diagnosis must be excluded! When an expert jumps to that diagnosis first they are no expert. Given the high correlation between mRNA vaccines and myocarditis in young males and the high prevalence of mRNA vaccines: CC is the zebra. The diagnosis really will require a multitude of different imaging, enzymatic, and antigen antibody testing to make a diagnosis. It is more than likely that almost all cases of CC represent a failure to diagnose the underlying pathology. As new tests are developed the incidence of true CC will certainly decrease.

Mr. Hamlin’s short term recovery will be determined by how much cerebral perfusion remained during the arrhythmia and how long until the hypoxia was reversed. Hats off to the CPR team and

prayers for Mr. Hamlin!!

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“ We have more than enough quality science to this effect: the myocarditis concern in this cohort is substantial (in this JAMA article out of Canada, a commonly-reported 1/3000 clip),”

Really? Well, all of mainstream medicine (save you perhaps) have ignored the implications of this god awfully high rate of serious injury.

Name a single vaccine that damages one in 3k healthy young person that isn’t taken off market immediately — let alone mandated. Can you?

Your profession has defiled the definition of “safe” to the point of absurdity.

You deserve that Steve Kirsch and others have filled the discursive vacuum physicians created by failing to reckon with reality. Your colleagues continue to call “safe” and administer a vaccine that unprecedentedly damages so many young hearts.

Congratulations, docs: Steve Kirsch is a creature of your creation. The most dangerous “conspirators” wear white coats and gleefully inject this nonsense into healthy young athletes who never needed it.

Do you seriously think we’re gonna let that pass?

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"I am not a cardiologist, and have only passing knowledge of post-arrest care and prognosis. “Humility” is the operative word here."

I find it odd that humility led you to know definitely that Dr McCullough's assessment is not factual as opposed to being his professional assessment of mrna vaccines (this is eerily similar to Fauci's science is me, anyone who disagrees is non-factual ) I find it odd that Occam's razor doesn't tell you the cardiologist is very likely to be right. I find it odd that you would use a wrong standard in your argument, specifically that you have to prove that these vaccines are dangerous. In fact the "carefully curated" study has to be done on volunteers before the first dose of the vaccine is given (never mandated) to anyone else.

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McCullough is a meticulous researcher and goes where the available data take him. As an NIH funded and vaccine safety trials Principal investigator, infectious disease epidemiologist, and leading cardiologist, I dare say he knows what he is talking about and represents data very honestly. His sub stack and publications archive is a treasure trove of extremely important studies that physicians would find highly informative. He gets into the weeds where those with training in immunology, cellular biology, virology understand what is currently being categorically dismissed by our public health policy makers who I can also say authoritatively are not acting in our best interest,

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Jan 7, 2023Liked by Buzz Hollander MD

Congratulations on another article that is worth everyone reading

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The mRNA experiment has failed. The information which has been disclosed, which we know is not the whole truth, is that these products have caused more injuries than all other vaccines combined, and twice as many deaths -- so far.

It is a fundamental matter of medical ethics that when an experiment on human beings has failed, or even shows signs of failure, it must be stopped.

Because the mRNA experiment has failed, it must be stopped. There is no rational argument to contrary, and this ought not be politicized. If we are going to follow the science, we must follow the science, including, but not limited to, the hard evidence and our guiding principles. We must avoid the traps of our biases.

We will, of course, have to begin the process of legal redress. No one, not the government, not the chemical companies, and not the medical industry stooges, had any valid basis to claim to the public that these "vaccines," which are not even "vaccines," are "safe and effective." That was a snow job which served only to profit the chemical companies, if not other even more sinister ends. For this blatant fraud, which has killed and injured so many, there must be retribution.

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I agree with your assessment. I don't discount the possibility of any of your scenarios, including that of vaccine injury. What animates many of the people like myself (I have not taken the Covid vaccine and have no plans to do so) is the near incessant drumbeat of politicians telling us to get vaccinated, and the bombardment of Pfizer commercials for their product. I believe that there is more risk than benefit to these shots and have survived Covid once. I have learned of ways to bolster my immune system in the hopes of being able to fend off another infection. All that said, I agree with you that the people who have the most right to be concerned about what caused Damar to suffer this medical emergency are Damar and his family. I wish him only the best care and a speedy and complete recovery. Thank you for sharing your research and insight.

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Commotio Cordis as a SINGULAR cause of Hamlin's event is highly unlikely to me. Why? Watch the video and tell me how this impact to his heart can be equated to a "high speed projectile such as a hockey puck or baseball directly impacting the heart." It CANNOT EVER be equated. One player traveling 15-20 mph striking another player in the heart area while the receiving player is moving away and to the side from the impact as the impact is coming in is NOT and will NEVER be equal to a 100mph+ baseball or hockey puck directly impacting the heart. I can't believe so called experts would make such a claim. It's embarrassing to themselves. I am open to the idea that Commotio Cordis occurred here as a result of a weakened heart caused by a pre-existing abnormality or as the result of a weakened heart caused by myocarditis brought on by the mRNA vaccine or by commotio cordis brought on by a combination of both, but I find the notion of commotio cordis brought on exclusively by the impact to be wholly unconvincing. Equating this hit to a baseball or hockey puck is on its face absurd to me.

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What we learned is no one is allowed to ever ask any questions of official narratives. This is basically how you know you live under the thumb of totalitarianism.

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The fact that you did not include possible mRNA vaccine injury as one of your more likely scenarios, says it all.

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Interesting read but it disregards the interests of all the athletes who are training and playing with a potentially ticking time bomb in their chest. His vax/booster history is of critical and urgent interest to all these athletes. Put all the data in the light of day so individuals & their Dr’s can make the best decision.

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So the first ever comotio cordis event occurred in the first ever season that players were injected with a myocarditis-inducing drug?

I don't know about Occam, but Bayes says the risk of heart injury playing vaxed is therefore presumably greater than the risk of playing un-vaxed.

To the more cynical, this smells like when they were told it was just an unrelated coincidence that covid broke out in the shadow of the one lab in the entire world that was working on synthesizing covid.

Finally, telling people it's "irresponsible" or "insensitive" to talk about politically incorrect possibilities doesn't exactly inspire confidence in the official line either. Especially when the politically correct conclusion (a one-in- 3 million freak event) looks more like the zebra than the horse.

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I, too, believe Damar Hamlan deserves better but when the VARs database receives such little attention in the face of the World’s biggest drug trial, conspiracy theories tend to gain traction in the vacuum of serious reporting.

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Jan 7, 2023·edited Jan 7, 2023

According to the above chart, 75% of the cardiac death cases involving sports resulted from a pre-existing condition. So, if Damar Hamlin didn't have a pre-existing condition, perhaps Occam's razor isn't the best analysis to apply. I also suggest that we leave the analysis to the cardiologists.

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Fantastic write-up.

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