The world is a much sadder and lonelier place without Buzz. While I have cried a few times because of the loss of my favorite Dr and one of my favorite human beings, I can only imagine how devastating this is, was, and shall be for Michelle and his daughters.

I think all of us that knew Buzz feel extremely fortunate to have known him and are grateful for that time and memories, but I will always feel that his departure has left a wound in the world that can never fully heal.

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One thing that came through loud and clear in Dr. Hollander's posts is that he was a warm, genuine, and caring individual. I'm sad to hear of his passing, and can only imagine the sadness among those who knew him as a family member or friend.

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My deepest condolences to Dr. Hollander's family. I am very saddened by this news. I started reading his writings earnestly during the pandemic and admired his thorough, balanced, analytical style. Like so many people out there, I am going to miss reading his articles.

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Doctor Buzz was one in a billion people. Brilliant, thoughtful, fair-minded, kind, witty, caring.

In a world of 9 billion people, this means that they are eight more like him. But we don’t think so. There is only one Doctor Buzz.

Stay close, Dr. Buzz. So you can help and guide everyone who misses you. Especially Michelle, Eve, Audrey, and all of your patients .💕

Diane and Roger

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Very sorry to hear of his passing. I appreciated his open mindedness and honesty. He was willing to listen to dissenting views about vaccines and covid and to make up his own mind. Actually, better yet, I dont think his mind was totally made up about most things medical. He kept an open mind. Science is never settled - as the honest scientists say. I appreciated his work and it helped me to have compassion and understanding towards doctors.

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Buzz was my PCP on The Big Island for many years. He helped me through so many medical struggles with the utmost of care, professionalism and commitment.

Buzz, was so much more than just my PCP.

I am sure I am not alone in knowing that we have not only lost a brilliant and committed doctor, but a good, good friend.

When I decided to move to Maine to be closer to family during Covid, Buzz eagerly supported my move with encouragement around more qualified physicians on the mainland. I did find him to be irreplaceable though.

I have recently wanted to move back to the island specifically to be under his care again.

His absence will leave an enormous hole in many hearts and lives, but the mere fact that he was here with us and for us for so many years will never be forgotten.

My heart breaks for Michelle and the girls.

There are no words for the magnitude of their loss.

I. This is simply one of the saddest losses for myself, and many, many others.

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The world lost a clear intelligent coherent voice on matters that effect us all.

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I found Dr. Hollander quite randomly, on Twitter. I admired his sane and balanced views on COVID and how carefully he laid out his arguments. From there, I found his substack newsletters, following both of them. Maybe it seems strange to you, because I didn't know him personally at all, but I held him in very high regard and I feel shocked and very sad to learn of his passing. I'm so sorry for his wife and young daughters. It's terribly sad and unfair to them. He made a big difference in the world and he will be missed, even by distant admirers like myself.

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As a fellow cancer patient, I appreciated the perspective that Dr. Buzz provided. His journey was my journey too. Having been in my own battle since 2016, (in remission) and facing a new battle (started in 2022 and still in the thick of the fight), I quickly came to understand that Dr. Buzz was the only doctor who actually was going through the same battle as I was! That is a perspective that was priceless to me. I could tell from his words that he was a one in a billion man and I ache for his wife and children and will add them to my nightly prayers.

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Dr. Liss - thank you for sharing the information.

Buzz and I were classmates at Hopewell Valley High School. Never close friends, but more than acquaintances, we spent endless hours together in many classes, debating as only teens can do, and on the tennis courts, where he was a far superior player than I. We've kept in occasional communication over the years. His thoughtfulness and intelligence, and also his kindness and awareness of those around him were always remarkable, and only seem to have grown over the time since we were young. It is a terrible loss to hear of his passing.

I hope his family can find solace in the memories of his time. Our grief cannot approach yours, but just know that Buzz was known, appreciated, and will be missed by very many people.

Best regards, Brian Frankie

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Alex Finkral’s family was there too. Always knowing Buzz was special.

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My condolences to all of his family and friends.

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My Condolences to Dr Hollander’s family.

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A real loss. So sorry to hear this.

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Oh no!

My heart goes out to his wife and daughters!

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He was a “go to” source in helping me get a 360 degree view of important health issues. He will be missed.

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