Lets please admit that medicine really doesn't understand much about immunity, contagion and especially vaccination. The polio vaccine isn't sterilizing? It may only "work" for a few years? Doctors didn't know this, patients didn't know this, politicians and the rabid pro-vax propaganda machine never knew this ( or much else). Ethically, a vaccine which doesn't prevent transmission should never be mandated. People should get the polio vaccine if they think it will protesct against paralysis.

But how many vaccines is too many? What does all this messing with the immune system do? No one knows, and please dont tell me they do. I have spoken with a top scientist formerly on the FDA vaccine safety commission. You can guess who it might be. He said HepB should not be given at birth . He had plenty to say about covid vax too, none of it good.

Lets start with a little more humility from the public health authorities. And a little more respect for Nature. Primo non nocere!

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People are discovering this about let’s and livestock as well. Who else has injection site tumors? Only injected pets and horses. Who has skyrocketing disease? Creatures who are vaxxed. People blame diet and environmental toxins, but there’s not skyrocketing otter and zebra disease, not owls nor whales! Just the vaxxed. Many vets are savvy to this. MercolaPets is good. There are many of you research.

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PREACH, Jane!! Absolutely right!

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August 13, 2022
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Or investigate? For more than 100 years we could have data enough to decide anything we want based on evidence

Maybe there is a reason they didn't save the evidence?

However which way you look at it, the only thing that matter is tot collect all data we have, and that is a lot, and reconsider everything we 'believe is the medical good choice' to everything we KNOW from well investigated data is the good medical choice'

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Wise words!

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Thank you very much:-)

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Open eyes. Openvaers.com and know that a study was done saying only around 1% of vax adverse events are ever reported so do they math when you see those numbers. Whatever you see, it’s likely closer to that number times 100! Except now for covid, many put it between 18% and 44% under reportes factor.



A Shot in the Dark


How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of Your Pediatrician


Watch Del Bigtree…

When you google things abt vax injury, use BING or anything other than google.

There are dozens more great reads but this is a primer.

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Thanks again here for showing at least me te way to information that matters!

I am 'an analog woman ;-) like Joe Walsh is an analog man, if you know what I mean...getting rid of Google and Facebook, which is called Meta now, I do know that actually, is very difficult. And because it is, I know it must be a very powerful and very bad thing...

Is there a book or something with a list of things you can do to get rid of as much as possible bad things like Google?

I am relatively new in the world of evil misleading powers like google and Facebook.

Before I entered this world I really did think there was somehow protection from laws for example, because governments made those laws and they were/are the ones in in charge, like it more or less 'should be'.

But it just turns out to me not being true and that is an actual understatement, I think..

Now I really like to know all about evil influence, so I can hopefully get rid of everything stealing for instance my digital freedom, otherwise I have that to throw them away I guess....

Is there a guide or something for dummies like me?

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I cringe to say this but have you tried googling it? 😜 THEN get rid of google and try BING!

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I almost don't dare to say...but I don't know how to make my phone use Bing because I cannot choose Bing instead of Google.. and is Bing available in the Netherlands or do I ask the most ridiculous question ever is possible in my case, because I am an analog woman in a digital world, I am afraid😬😬😬

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I wish I knew. Whenever I run into obstacles, I find a teenager. They can do this stuff in their sleep and tend to know what’s what.

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vaccine-derived polio outbreaks are explained when you realise that the vax contains toxins and how toxins are the CAUSE. read this and think about where polio was found this time, in regions that have high jab rates, with unknown ingredients that produce a well known toxin (spike protein) this was written a few years a go and i cant find the author to thank them for making more sense than the virus theory:

let's take a look at history and polio!

1824: Metal workers had suffered for centuries from a paralysis similar to polio caused by the lead and arsenic in the metals they were working with. English scientist John Cooke observed: 'The fumes from these metals, or the receptance of them in solution into the stomach, often causes paralysis.'

1890: Lead arsenate pesticide started to be sprayed in the US up to 12 times every summer to kill codling moth on apple crops.

1892: Polio outbreaks began to occur in Vermont, an apple growing region. In his report the Government Inspector Dr. Charles Caverly noted that parents reported that some children fell ill after eating fruit. He stated that 'infantile paralysis usually occurred in families with more than one child, and as no efforts were made at isolation it was very certain it was non-contagious' (with only one child in the family having been struck).

1907: Calcium arsenate comes into use primarily on cotton crops.

1908: In a Massachusetts town with three cotton mills and apple orchards, 69 children suddenly fell ill with infantile paralysis.

1909: The UK bans apple imports from the States because of heavy lead arsenate residues.

1921: Franklin D. Roosevelt develops polio after swimming in Bay of Fundy, New Brunswick. Toxicity of water may have been due to pollution run-off.

1943: DDT is introduced, a neurotoxic pesticide. Over the next several years it comes into widespread use in American households. For example, wall paper impregnated with DDT was placed in children's bedrooms.

1943: A polio epidemic in the UK town of Broadstairs, Kent is linked to a local dairy where cows were washed down with DDT.

1944: Albert Sabin reports that a major cause of sickness and death of American troops based in the Philippines was poliomyelitis. US military camps there were sprayed daily with DDT to kill mosquitoes. Neighboring Philippine settlements were not affected.

1944: NIH reports that DDT damages the same anterior horn cells that are damaged in infantile paralysis.

1946: Gebhaedt shows polio seasonality correlates with fruit harvest.

1949: Endocrinologist Dr Morton Biskind, a practitioner and medical researcher, found that DDT causes 'lesions in the spinal cord similar to human polio.'

1950: US Public Health Industrial Hygiene Medical Director, J.G. Townsend, notes the similarity between parathion poisoning and polio and believes that some polio might be caused by eating fruits or vegetables with parathion residues.

1951: Dr. Biskind treats his polio patients as poisoning victims, removing toxins from food and environment, especially DDT contaminated milk and butter. Dr. Biskind writes: 'Although young animals are more susceptible to the effects of DDT than adults, so far as the available literature is concerned, it does not appear that the effects of such concentrations on infants and children have even been considered.'

1949-1951: Other doctors report they are having success treating polio with anti toxins used to treat poisoning, dimercaprol and ascorbic acid. Example: Dr. F. R. Klenner reported: 'In the poliomyelitis epidemic in North Carolina in 1948 60 cases of this disease came under our care... The treatment was massive doses of vitamin C every two to four hours. Children up to four years received vitamin C injection intramuscularly... All patients were clinically well after 72 hours.'

1950: Dr. Biskind presents evidence to the US Congress that pesticides were the major cause of polio epidemics. He is joined by Dr. Ralph Scobey who reported he found clear evidence of poisoning when analyzing chemical traces in the blood of polio victims.

Comment: This was a no no. The viral causation theory was not something to be questioned. The careers of prominent virologists and health authorities were threatened. Biskind and Scobey's ideas were subjected to ridicule.

1953: Clothes are moth-proofed by washing them in EQ-53, a formula containing DDT.

1953: Dr. Biskind writes: 'It was known by 1945 that DDT was stored in the body fat of mammals and appears in their milk... yet far from admitting a causal relationship between DDT and polio that is so obvious, which in any other field of biology would be instantly accepted, virtually the entire apparatus of communication, lay and scientific alike, has been devoted to denying, concealing, suppressing, distorting and attempts to convert into its opposite this overwhelming evidence. Libel, slander, and economic boycott have not been overlooked in this campaign.'

1954: Legislation recognizing the dangers of persistent pesticides is enacted, and a phase out of DDT in the US accelerates along with a shift of sales of DDT to third world countries.

(Note that DDT is phased out at the same time as widespread polio vaccinations begin. Saying that, polio cases sky rocket only in communities that accept the polio vaccine, as the polio vaccine is laced with heavy metals and other toxins, so the paralysis narrative starts all over again. As the polio vaccines cause huge spikes in polio, the misinformed public demand more polio vaccine and the cycle spirals skyward exponentially)

1956: the American Medical Association mandated that all licensed medical doctors could no longer classify polio as polio. All polio diagnosis would be rejected in favor of Guillian-Barre Syndrome, AFP (acute flaccid paralysis), Bell's Palsy, Cerebral Palsy, ALS, (Lou-Gehrig's Disease), MS, MD etc etc. This sleight of hand was fabricated with the sole intent of giving the public the impression that the polio vaccine was successful at decreasing polio or eradicating polio. The public bought this hook, line and sinker and to this very day, many pro vaccine arguments are ignited by the manufactured lie regarding the polio vaccine eradicating polio.

1962: Rachel Carson's Silent Spring is published.

1968: DDT registration cancelled for the US.

2008: Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) is still a raging in many parts of the world where pesticide use is high, and DDT is still used. AFP. MS, MD, Bell's Palsy, cerebral palsy, ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease), Guillian-Barre are all catch basket diagnosis, all similar in symtpoms, tied to heavy metal poisoning and high toxic load.

2008: WHO states on its website: 'There is no cure for polio. Its effects are irreversible.'

Conclusion: Modern belief that polio is caused by a virus is an ongoing tragedy for the children of the world. Public funds are wasted on useless and dangerous vaccines when the children could be treated with antitoxins. A call into failing vaccine mythology is warranted, as is a complete investigation of the real agenda being executed against humanity involving science, chemicals, vaccines, the medical field in general, and the government.

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Thank you for sharing this! I've read information similar to this before over the years. And that high doses of vitamin C make a differences in "polio" but that must be because it helps clear toxicity. My children will remain unvaccinated.

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very glad to hear you are doing the best for your children.

it does indeed help clear toxins, the best kind for absorption is liposomal, i never get colds that manage even 18h of symptoms. but for something like polio levels of toxicity only intravenous would cut it

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Why is all of this extremely important knowledge, so you for example could decide to protect your children, not commonly known by now???

Injecting children with toxines is not a something that just occures! It is not something that just exists and people just have to deal with, as a part of life itself.

People who don't look like your enemy say they are saving your live and your children's, before there is a threat at all.

Last 150 years everybody thinks that is a good idea, because it is has been said that is proofed before you were born.

Almost nobody asked proof.

The ones that did, where considered idiots.

Without proof of course.

Untill this very day.

And it continues until the day people regain their common sense.

'Never change a winning team'

Vaccination is in fact changing a winning team, to avoid losing in future.

Well, it is possible that is a good decision, but you need lots of proof, in every unique situation again it should be possible to determine what to do, while first is to consider why you think you should determine something at all in the first place, starting with why you would consider to vaccinate you or your child to start with

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I've had all the proof I need, for the last 22 years, as I've been researching vaccines (yes, all of them) for that long. Before I began having children. So, I'm grateful for others waking up to the facts. The gain-of-function Covid19 illness (with a component patented in early 2000s by UNC researcher working with Fauci) has been the the wake-up call for many. I'm grateful for this wakeup as I've felt alone in my awareness until recently :-)

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I understand completely that you felt alone in your awereness!

A lot of parents got a certain book with all the right answers, I think. And the book says also that the reader must not tolerate that other parents act differently than they do. It is so very important, the book says, not me!, that everything is allowed to force the strange parent to do the same as they do, even when it is childish, arrogant of dishonest. Disclosure is what the book advices.

Those know-it-all-parents get the book falling from the sky, I think, I am not sure, about between the moment they know they are pragnent to..lets say, the first (somethimes only) child is about 1 year old. I think...Maybe something else causes the misbehavoir to this kind of parents, but...what?

I always do the opposite to what those people say that I have to do. And the reason for that is not because it is my habit to act contrairely to what a was being advised, not even if I didn't ask for the advice...

And that reason is that I believe that parents are an example for their children. Ones children are going to behave the way their parents do, or they are already doing that.

I don't want to create a any possibity

my children think that advices like that is what advices look like, and copy it in future, because dialogues and listening, discussions, to one another and learning with and or from others is in my opinion one of the very valuable 'things' that make a live worthwhile living!

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I read a lot of what you said before except, perhaps, the connection to DDT. When I was an adolescent and teenager in the 1960s, I remember my mother going crazy about some bugs in the screened in porch, spraying furiously over us with one of those tubular plunger pump insecticide sprayers while we all were sitting there on the porch. In the summer in our small beach town in New Jersey, trucks would routinely go up and down the streets fogging a cloud of pesticide, and small planes would fly overhead spraying the area sometimes. I don't know that this was DDT, maybe it was malathion.

However, personally, I believe it is the Sabin attenuated oral polio vaccine that causes these cases of polio, relabeled, as you mentioned, as other neurological diseases, or specifically, where it is even acknowledged, Non-Polio Acute Flaccid Paralysis (NPAFP). In India where there have been campaigns of multiple dosing of hundreds of millions with the live attenuated oral polio vaccine, between 2000 and 2017 there were 491,000 cases of NPAFP. The official line is that the oral polio vaccine only causes polio in about 1 out of 2 or 3 million doses, but I do not believe that, or they are discounting the other versions of polio, which, based on the India figures, there must be at least tens of thousands in this country, even though they claim that the Salk injectable vaccine should protect against that, but who knows how many people also had that before and they got the live oral vaccine. I believe that I suffered such neurological damage which started, I think, shortly after I got the Sabin live attenuated oral polio vaccine on a sugar cube when I was about 13 or 14, as did most of the children in the country, around 1962 or 1963. My first symptom was the inability to get a relaxed full breath, or to reach the top of my breath, as I would describe it. Over the next few years I felt I was losing my intelligence and emotional sensitivity, and when I was 18, I developed a paralysis at the beginning of my soft palate behind the uvula, that felt like a post nasal drip I couldn't clear, which affected my swallowing and singing (and still does), and at about the same time I developed dystonia in my neck and shoulders. This was all misdiagnosed and I was treated with neurotoxic medications at that time and intermittently over the next number of years that created much more neurological damage. I believe the original damage was caused by the live polio vaccine. When I was about 19 or 20, every night for a week or so when I went to bed my calf muscles cramped up so badly that the muscle fibers tore and shortend, permanently shortening my calf muscles. All these places of damage are areas that polio affects.

One theory, to avoid calling it polio, is to say that the oral polio vaccine disturbs the balance of enteroviruses in the gut, allowing other strains of polio or non-polio enteroviruses to emerge pathologically, creating virtually the same paralytic effects. I don't know if this is true or not, I think it's just the polio vaccine itself.

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I’d be interested to know whether mega doses of liposomal vitamin C, (an IV drip?) and perhaps some activated charcoal/bentonite clay would help you. I tend to think they would help a good deal.

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Most of the damage occurred starting in the mid 1960s through the early 1970s. I never took an IV drip of vitamin C, but I was taking at least 3 g of vitamin C after the additional further damage from the first neurotoxic drugs. At around 22 years old I was on a medically supervised 28 day water fast. If anything would have cleared out any residual toxins that would do it, and I did experience a number benefits shortly after the fast, but that fine-tuning of the system is apparently easily reverted by any number of things, but except for the residual neurological damage,I was more or less okay, until another round of more severe damage from the prescription of neurotoxic medications. You seem to be under the misapprehension that there is some sort of existing toxin that is causing the issue. The case is that it was initially caused by the poliovirus from the live vaccine, I believe, and then made worse from additional permanent neurological damage from medication. Tell me how vitamin C drip will help that if it is not an infection or existing toxin? As it is now I take probably 24 to 30 supplements a day, including maybe 1.5 grams of vitamin C. I have found taking more vitamin C doesn't help.

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I am so sorry to hear. Thank you for sharing your analysis. I hope you have found ways to detoxify and recover! I think that a depopulation agenda has been perpetrated on our global society for decades now, or even more than a century. It's sad and why we all have to question "authorities" more than ever.

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Thank you. I've been taking numerous nutritional supplements most of my adult life, ironically because I was first introduced to them, one of the lesser harmful, possibly beneficial treatments, through orthomolecular medicine, or megavitamins, but it was more or less targeted, perhaps inappropriately, because of misdiagnosis. Be that as it may, in the mid 1980s I started supplementing again after reading Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaw's Life Extension: A Practical Scientific Guide (1981) and receiving Life Extension Foundation (no corporate connection to the book) newsletters, later, magazines (their headquarters were near me as it turned out). I did this mainly for my overall health, as it didn't particularly help with my neurological issues, and I had to avoid certain supplements which aggravated it such as anything that increased acetylcholine. I do not believe it is a case of detoxification; it would be a case of finding something palliative to the neurological damage of polio and neurotoxic medication, that includes dystonia and the things I mentioned. These issues are not resolved in the long term by typical treatments such as muscle relaxants, and although there are supposedly certain medications to reduce acetylcholine or act in other ways, which I discovered in the last few years when researching online, I have not pursued them because of my experience with the medical profession in the past, and they have their own side effects. In 1980 I was on a program where I swam 30 minutes a day before breakfast six days a week and that did seem to improve my muscle problems about 90%, but unfortunately I did not continue it after one half year, but I should start it again, as I do have a pool available in my back patio, one of the reasons I bought my current house 13 years ago.

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there is a product called TRS made by coseva, its artificially created zeolites so that they are pure, they pull heavy metals out of you safely (they trap metals within them and then you pee them out). ive used them for a few months but they are expensive

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What a story...you have suffered a lot, and I think and hope you are lucky you survived..I really hope you can and could enjoy your live, and so I really wonder: how are you doing now?

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Wauw! Thank you very much!!

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This is what happens when you let people from third world countries into America.

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Came across this article a few years ago and seems pertinent to revisit it now. This is such a complex situation and so important to really think out all the pros/cons of the public health response and then pivot if new information indicate appropriate. I certainly don’t have all the answers on this one, but this article does give me some pause: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4922306/

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Paralytic polio was fully prevented in 60 of 60 patients with severe cases by the famous pulmonologist Fred Klenner MD and he’s famous for saying that the big mistake was under dosing. He used 200-350 mg/kg divided daily and 100% polio cures in 48-72 hours. No spoiler alert here. Read his publications and reports!

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you can read about this in my long comment below

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https:// www . bmartin . cc/dissent/documents/AIDS/Pascal91 . html

Minus the spaces.

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Great info though it took a small search to find. Thanks for sharing it. Monk key immune deficiency was known even as the pole yo jab was being cultivated in these animals kidney cells. Give enough of this injectable vax and voila next thing we know there’s an acquired human deficiency of immune system. Another no-no to talk about it happening like that.

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No mystery about it. Polio was eradicated around the world except in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Guess where the U.S. imported a huge number of so-called "refugees" from recently, thanks to the colossal ineptitude of the Xiden administration?

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This is an excellent summery of the situation. That no parenteral vaccine induces mucosal immunity is a very important point that is frequently ignored. Although there is no data on the full duration of protective immunity, the oral live virus vaccine provides longer term immunity . The immune system has memory and live viruses induce a more robust immune response. Ultimately, this becomes a risk-benefit issue and the oral vaccine should be considered as an option. RJD

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